Ogden, Utah – PDCflow announces an even more complete, streamlined payment process with the release of cash tracking within the Flow User Interface (UI). Now, businesses can keep track of all payment transactions in a single place and better serve consumers – no matter what payment channel they prefer to use. Using PDCflow’s cash tracking to take payments: Creates an …
Who is PDCflow? Meet Kristen Makanoa
Listening to customers is an essential part of software development. At PDCflow, we’re lucky to have a listening expert on our team in Product Manager Kristen Makanoa. She became part of the team in 2020 – but starting a new position during such a disruptive time didn’t slow her down. Kristen got right to work, listening to customer feedback and …
PDCflow Announces Bank Account Tokenization
Ogden, Utah – As part of their ongoing dedication to provide secure, convenient payment communications to consumers, PDCflow announces new bank account tokenization capabilities for ACH payments. ACH tokenization enhances the already strong data security and fraud protection within PDCflow’s User Interface (UI) without impacting current or future merchant operations. Companies can continue to build and host payment workflows, while …
PDCflow Announces ACH Verify for Enhanced Payment Security
Ogden, UT – In accordance with the newly enacted Nacha WEB Debit Account Validation rule, PDCflow is announcing ACH Verify, a real-time account validation process to help companies comply. The guidance, which takes effect March 19, 2021, requires account validation the first time a consumer’s account number is used for payment or when the account number is changed. “PDCflow’s ACH …