PDCflow/PDC4U Bill Pay
Looking to make an online payment on a medical or past due bill?
Where do I go to my pay my medical bill online?
PDCflow provides Payment Processing Software to a wide variety of businesses including many Medical Facilities and Medical Billing Companies. Please refer to your billing statement and call the toll free number on the statement in order to reach to the correct business to make a payment.
In addition, please be sure that you are putting the link provided on your billing statement, which starts with “https://”, into the browser address bar and not in the search bar.
The photo below shows the browser address bar and the search bar, please be sure to type in the link from your statement into the section that is highlighted with the purple box and not in either section that has a red box with an X.
I am entering the link http://epay.pdc4u…, but I still cannot find the payment page?
If you are trying to go to a payment site that has epay.pdc4u.com in the link, please be sure that you are using https:// and NOT http://.
When you start the link with https://, it takes you to a secure payment web page. The link on your statement should read https://epay.pdc4u.com/123456 or the specific location ID #. If it reads http:// only, then the statement has a typo.
You can also call the toll free number listed on the statement to get assistance in making your payment. See example statement for location of the url and toll free number.
If you still cannot locate the payment page or the toll free number listed on the statement, please fill out the form below and we will forward it to the medical company on your behalf and they will reach out to you to collect the payment.