Now you can close more deals
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Email Open Rate
Email Click-Through Rate
Completed Payments
Go from sent to signed and paid faster
- Clients can eSign from anywhere, on any device.
- Each request is customized and secure for your client. No need for user names and passwords.
- Create a cohesive brand experience. Customize your contracts, messages, and payment pages.
Give your team the tools they need to close deals fast.
“That was the big advantage to the payment side of PDCflow, because what we were using before did not have an interface where all of the reps could sign in and see who had paid. So all of the payment notifications were going to our bookkeeper by email.
She was having to find out whose client it was and forward off these payment notifications so that the reps would know that they needed to move forward on their work.”
Make doing business easy for your team and your customers.
“What I was most concerned with is how hard is it for our agents to use? How hard is it for our management team to set it up? And once the consumer gets the information, how hard is it to process the payment?
And as of right now with Flow, the check mark is in the easy box on all three of those. It’s easy for us to set it up, it is easy for us to send it out to the consumer, and it’s very easy for the consumer to make a payment.”