Credit Card Payment Processing: A Guide for Merchants

Credit Card Payment Processing: A Guide for Merchants

In this guide, learn about the history of credit cards, how a credit card is processed, and industry/legal requirements your business must follow while taking credit card payments. Arm yourself with the know-how to help your business thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions on ACH Payment Processing

Top ACH Payment Processing Questions

Offering to accept ACH payments is an effective and low-cost method to enhance convenience for your customers. And, expanding payment processing options to include ACH can significantly increase your business’s revenue. However, on the operational side, processing ACH payments and reconciliation differ significantly from handling credit card transactions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions merchants have regarding …

High Risk Merchant Account Underwriting: What to Expect

High Risk Merchant Account Underwriting: What to Expect

The underwriting process for a new merchant account can be invasive and exasperating for business owners. This is especially true of those in high risk industries like debt collection. Immoral or against-regulation activities by some people in the collections industry have given legitimate agencies a bad reputation. Because of these untrustworthy few, merchant service providers and banks view high risk …

Payment Types and Channels: Pros and Cons for Businesses

Payment Types and Channels: Pros and Cons for Businesses

Giving your customer more choice and an easy-to-use payment system can remove most of the objections that cause your business to lose out on money. These choices can mean types of payment or a preferred payment channel. Credit card, ACH and cash payment types aren’t enough on their own. Your business should also have: An online payment portal so customers …

Prevent Card Not Present Transaction Fraud and Chargebacks

Prevent Card Not Present Transaction Fraud and Chargebacks

EMV, better known as credit card chip technology, has revolutionized what it means to take a secure card payment during a card present transaction. The computer chip embedded in many new credit cards makes cloning card data much more difficult, deterring fraud. But what advancements in technology have been created for merchants in a card not present environment? How can …

Why Accept eCheck Payments? How They Work

Why Accept eCheck Payments? How They Work

Does your business still take traditional paper checks? Waiting for payments in the mail makes it harder to reconcile accounts, stalls work, and impacts cash flow. Echeck is a faster, more modern way to take payments. If your company wants to speed up payment cycles and make paying easier for customers, accepting eChecks is the way to go.What is an …

Automate and Thrive by Setting Up Recurring Payments

Automate and Thrive by Setting Up Recurring Payments

A lot of businesses don’t know how to set up recurring payments that make sense for customers and still bring in revenue. The most effective recurring payments balance the parameters of payment schedules, business needs, and customer preferences. The first step to successful scheduled payments is to know how, why, and when to accept recurring payments. What is a recurring …

Looking Beyond Fees: Evaluating Payment Processing Services

Looking Beyond Fees: Evaluating Payment Processing Services

Companies often shop for payment processing services based on cost. For many businesses, especially those in regulated industries, using this criteria may not lead you to the best payment software for your company. This is because not all payment processing services are the same. Some payment softwares are designed with specific industries in mind and don’t offer the payment processing …

Learn How to Set Up ACH Payments and Boost Your Business Now

Learn How to Set Up ACH Payments and Boost Your Business Now

ACH payments are cost-effective, easy to use, and offer customers more flexibility and choice. If businesses like using ACH for all of these reasons, why put off implementation? Some companies simply don’t know how to set up ACH payments. Don’t let setup be a barrier. Make payments more convenient for you and the customers you serve.Why Setting up ACH Payments …

What is an ACH Payment Gateway?

What is an ACH Payment Gateway?

Just as credit card payments are processed through a gateway, ACH payment gateways facilitate moving funds from one party to another.

Guide to Processing ACH Transactions

Guide to Processing ACH Transactions

ACH transactions are a common way of sending money and are popular for B2C and B2B payments. Read this guide to learn about processing ACH debits.

What to Know About ACH Return Codes

What to Know About ACH Return Codes

Accepting Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments can provide added convenience to customers during the payment process while increasing revenue for your business. Unfortunately, no payment method is without hurdles. In the case of ACH payments, the most common hurdle to overcome is understanding and addressing ACH codes for returned payments. There are many ways an ACH transaction might get returned. …