Dispute Resolution Processes for Debt Collection

Collection Disputes

What happens if the consumer you speak to doesn’t agree that they owe a bill or debt?

What if a consumer leaves your company a bad review on the internet?

What policies and procedures does your debt collection agency have in place to ensure compliance and a dispute resolution process?

In the past, PDCflow partnered to cover a California Association of Collectors (CAC)-hosted webinar with panelists attorney June Coleman, and agency owners Shawn Suhr, CEO of Continental Credit Control, Courtney Reynaud, President of Creditors Bureau USA, and Kelly Parsons-O’Brien of Pacific Credit Services.

The panelists covered best practices for responding to consumers disputing a debt in collections and credit report disputes.

Their advice still holds true post-Regulation F, as agencies embrace digital debt collection where disputes can be captured through a well designed debt collection website.


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Create a Dispute Resolution Process

Disputes, stalls, and objections can all originate similarly, but have much different results as a consumer’s case unfolds.

Agencies must budget time to handle consumer complaints, provide an in-depth training program for the dispute resolution process, and create a compliant policy for all objections.

It is best to decide within your agency how to categorize the differences between these issues and decide how best to handle each. Below are a few issues your agency should expect to encounter and address:

Specific Dispute, Oral Complaint or General Denial Without Specific Information

Parsons-O’Brien says her agency treats all collection disputes equally, even those that come with little to no information.

Reynaud, CEO of Fresno Credit Bureau, Inc. also advises agencies to err on the side of caution and treat all possible objections as a dispute.

She asks her agents to put themselves in the shoes of the consumer disputing a debt in collections. “I always tell them to think about it: if you wrote that letter, or you spoke to the agency, would you think your statement was a dispute?”

June Coleman also cautions collectors to realize the FDCPA does not differentiate between types of collection disputes (written, verbal, etc.).

To avoid the chance of legal issues, it is best to identify all types of consumer objections as disputing a debt in collections so they can be handled properly from the beginning.

Statements That Could Indicate a Dispute

I do not owe that much.
This bill is not mine.
I never got those services.
I don't agree with how much the bill is.

E-Oscar Credit Report Disputes

For those using the e-Oscar system, (the automated system that allows collection agencies to manage and respond to credit disputes), there are a few special considerations to keep in mind.

Has your agency designated a full-time employee to handle e-Oscars?

If you are like many other agencies, you may receive more than 100 e-Oscar complaints per day.

If this is more than your dispute department agents can handle, you may want to consider one full-time or a few part-time employees dedicated to these types of disputes.

You must also consider how credit report disputes will impact client relations. Newer creditor clients may not be aware of the work it takes to address e-Oscars.

The high amount of contact is likely to be more than some clients expect.

“We really have had to increase our education piece with our clients regarding the e-Oscar battle,” says Parsons-O’Brien. “We have to let them know that this is to keep us compliant, and limit risk for their office.”

Although many calls to clients are necessary to address disputed credit reports, the amount of contact can quickly get out of hand. Your agency must decide how frequently you find it appropriate to contact clients.

Work to keep the number low. Excessive calls can cause confusion and annoyance, which might cost you the client later on.

Pacific Credit Services has experienced the difficulty of excessive calls to creditor clients while still getting necessary documentation for all debt disputes. To avoid calling clients too frequently, they have begun batching calls to obtain information from all necessary accounts at once.

For example, if Parsons-O’Brien needed dispute information from ABC Hospital, she would check her agency’s list of all debtor accounts from the hospital that require documentation, and ask for everything in a single call.

Afterward, she would update the agency list, noting the accounts she spoke to ABC Hospital about. By obtaining everything for all the creditor client accounts in one phone call, a collection agency can avoid annoying their clients by calling multiple times per day.

Be sure to remember that compliance management may be foreign to those outside the industry. If your clients don’t understand your obligations, take the opportunity to educate them.

They may have feedback on how communication between your offices can be improved. Listening to and reasonably addressing questions and concerns can help you build this relationship, helping you to maintain a loyal client for years to come.

“It is good to first have a list of your agency’s common stalls and objections with a correlating response that the collector can quickly go to. This can be done through scripting, through training and also having reference documents readily available for the collector to see at their desks.”
Greg Ruffino
Director of Training and Recruitment, Williams and Fudge, Inc.

Better Business Bureau Complaints

All information provided to the BBB is public. This means if a consumer makes a claim about your agency and you provide a rebuttal with specifics about the consumer’s case, your response will be made public, violating confidentiality.

Suhr of Continental Credit Control provides the BBB a generic response stating that they will not acknowledge accounts in order to maintain confidentiality in accordance with FDCPA regulations.

It is advised that if your agency chooses this method of response, you should also offer contact information should the consumer want to contact you directly about their complaint.

Yelp/Social Media Reviews

Social media and internet reviews can prove a challenge for collection agencies.
By nature, these businesses are not going to provide the level of satisfaction from a consumer a restaurant or a shop might.

“You’re generally not going to be getting a very positive review,” says Reynaud. Because most comments are reviews are likely to be negative, it is sometimes best to respond sparingly or not at all to this type of consumer feedback.

If you can determine which account the commenter is speaking about, however, you should ensure all proper steps have been taken within your agency to avoid legal backlash.

Create a generic statement providing agency contact information may be a good way to show you still care about how consumers are treated by your debt collectors. Aside from this, little action is needed from your office.

Who Handles Your Agency's Filed Disputes?

The agent or manager chosen to handle disputed debts in collections at your office depends on a few factors.

Disputes are sometimes broken up between those raised during the validation period vs. those raised after the validation period, and disputes that are verbal vs. written.

Decide which individual or department it makes sense to pass these issues to, and make sure all parties are aware of the policies you have in place.

At Pacific Credit Services, Parsons-O’Brien says all of types of issues raised by a consumer “will be handled exactly the same way and be isolated to the dispute department.”

Her agency employs a lead debt collector trained in defusing disputes who receives extensive training in this area. The debt collector is educated on which agency clients may be willing to settle, which are not, and the types of documentation each obtains and can provide in the event of a dispute.

This is an effective approach for cautious agencies that wish to avoid missteps during collection that could lead to an FDCPA lawsuit.

Best Practices After Classifying the Objection as a Debt Collection Dispute

A good starting point during a disputed debt in collections is to verify whether the consumer received their validation notice.

If mailing the validation notice, it’s common that the address an agency has on file for a consumer may no longer be current. This can explain confusion a debtor may have about their bill, or why a dispute is raised after the 30-day validation period.

If emailing model validation notices (based on CFPB’s Regulation F guidelines), your software should be able to provide tracking information that verifies whether the information was delivered, opened, and completed.

Be aware that many who dispute a debt may not have received a validation. If they claim this is the case, give the consumer the benefit of the doubt. Good faith can help ease a consumer’s mind and make them more willing to resolve the issue amicably.

Because each dispute situation is different, it may be time-consuming to respond when an objection is made. The panel suggested a possible way for collections agencies to respond quicker to collection disputes through letter templates while still maintaining dispute compliance.

Your agency’s attorney might be able to help you to draft several sample letter sections, phrases or bullet points that you are likely to use while addressing a submitted dispute.

Once these have been created, drafting a response might become easier, as you can piece together future letters from the pre-created draft statements and supplement them with information specific to each case.

Another step to take after a debt is disputed is getting proper verification of the debt from your creditor client. The extra knowledge this documentation provides can arm an agent during ‘second talk-offs’ with a consumer, and help to identify whether they are stalling, objecting to the debt, or legitimately raising a dispute (a classification that is difficult to discern during the original communication).

A debt collector who is well-trained in disputes can use this call to identify the motivations behind the consumer’s initial concerns, and show that the bill or debt owed is legitimate.

Being able to review a bill or the proof of debt together on the phone also provides the chance to clear up any confusion a consumer may have.

If they can see the documents for themselves, this helps them understand why they are being billed. Simply providing this proof often helps to resolve a debt.

“I find that with many people who truly are confused about the account, providing them proof of the debt will have them resolve it,” says Parsons-O’Brien.

The time and resources a second talk-off takes can be frustrating. But, doing the work early in a debt can raise your dispute resolution rate, and save your business from the massive expenses associated with defending a lawsuit.

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Creating Policies and Procedures for Dispute Resolution

There is not one clear policy or procedure agencies should put in place to handle collection disputes. What you decide for your company depends on what will fit best with current processes and keep lawsuits to a minimum.

When reviewing your company’s policies and procedures surrounding disputes, there are several items to consider:

How Does Your Company Currently Handle Dispute Resolution?

What is the policy and procedure you have in place?

Are you experiencing problems with handling disputes as a result of the rules you have set?

Parsons-O’Brien and Reynaud advise that identifying holes in your system is easiest as individual situations arise. After you have resolved a problem, review what could have been done differently through root cause analysis.

Writing policies and procedures as you go along allows you to fix, update and maintain your compliance management system piece by piece, cutting down on wasted time guessing on best practices. This approach will also save you from becoming overwhelmed with the magnitude of such a project.

Who Manages Disputes?

Choosing the person in charge of disputes at your office is a matter of deciding what is best for your agency. As mentioned, many collection agencies treat all complaints as possible disputes, passing all contact with consumers to a single department.

If your agency is comfortable keeping some disputes in the hands of agents, be sure they are properly trained. Understanding your obligations in handling disputes is essential. Ensure all policies and procedures fulfill these obligations.

What is a FIRE or "Hot Mail"?

Attorney letters or cease and desist letters are often referred to as fire, or hot mail. These are addressed differently than any other dispute issue at an agency, as they have the potential to cause legal ramifications if mishandled.

These letters should go straight to agency management, to be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

How Do You Involve the Original Creditor?

Speaking to the original creditor as disputes arise is often helpful. Some clients have detailed proofs of the debt which can help you in settling a dispute and collecting on an account.

Some clients, however, have mishandled accounts or not kept as much detailed information on the debt as you might like. Informing them of a dispute as it is happening is a teachable moment.

If you share what you are going through and tell them how it can be avoided, collecting on future accounts will become easier.

Handling disputes of a debt is a difficult part of running a collection agency. Knowing these best practices can arm you against lawsuits, and prepare you for when inevitable complaints arise.

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Hannah Huerta - PDCflow Marketing Specialist
Hannah Huerta, Marketing Specialist

Hannah Huerta is a Marketing Specialist at PDCflow. She creates content for the accounts receivable and payment industry.

LinkedIn - Hannah Huerta

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