5 Debt Collection Call Center Script Questions Answered

5 Debt Collection Call Center Script Questions Answered

Most debt collection agencies use collection call scripts but how do you know you’re getting all you can out of yours?

We reached out to several experts in the industry for their advice on using call center scripts. They discussed the pros and cons of using call scripts, elements they should contain, and the important link between call scripts and better-trained agents.

Industry experts Kelly Parsons-O’Brien, Pacific Credit Services, Mary Shores, creator of the Collection Advantage program, Kelli Krueger, ACA International, and Beth Conklin, State Collection Service all agree that call scripts can help call center agents.

Kelly Parsons-O'Brien

Kelly Parsons-O’Brien

President, Pacific Credit Services
Mary Shores

Mary Shores

Creator of the Collection Advantage Program
Kelli Krueger

Kelli Krueger

Director of Education at ACA International
Beth Conklin

Beth Conklin

Director, Organizational Training and Development at State Collection Service, Inc.

Benefits of Call Scripts

Call scripts provide many benefits for debt collection call centers. Here are the top seven reasons to have your agents use call scripts:


Call scripts help with the onboarding of new hires by giving them general guidance on how to talk to consumers when getting started. Call scripts provide new hires a formula for success.

Good call scripts set the example and create consistent habits, especially with new hires with no experience. And as a bonus it sets expectations for employee performance.


By utilizing call scripts with your agents, consumers will get the same information regardless of the agent they are speaking with.


Call scripts assist in creating good habits among the agents on your call center floor and can break bad habits that seasoned agents may have.

If you monitor a call flow script, it allows you to course-correct the bad habits of seasoned collectors.


Effective call center scripts keep agents compliant with the many regulations and laws that third-party debt collection needs to operate under. Scripts should be updated along with policies based on changing regulations.


A script makes expectations clear and gives a specific direction for employee development plans and accountability.

If agents follow the call flow script and are not successful, you know to focus on the other levers of success – productivity for example.


Agent accountability with using a script will result in fewer complaints. This circles back to consistency. Call scripting increases consistent customer interactions which builds trust with consumers.

If there is consistent follow-through and accountability to sticking to the script, it will naturally result in fewer surprise lawsuits, complaints, and compliance violations.


By utilizing call scripting consistently, agencies can provide proof to clients or potential clients on how their process reduces complaints and protects the client’s brand.

“A script streamlines the process for new hires, but it is good for everyone. Having a script allows you to focus training time on what the collectors have control over.”
Kelli Krueger

Q: What are some of the call scripts benefits you've seen in personal experience?

Kelly Parsons-O’Brien

We focus on training the collectors how to talk to consumers, and so all we really need is some general guidance to get the new hire going.

Mary Shores

Consistency is a major benefit of scripting. One of the most prominent issues in the collections industry is inconsistencies on phone calls. Sometimes, a consumer may get an answer from one representative and a totally different answer from another, which can cause conflict.

Ultimately, call scripting increases much-needed consistency, and consistency increases trust.

Kelli Krueger

This is a big question, and I am answering it with the assumption that the script is proven to be successful and results in more resolutions than that of the unscripted collectors.

A script must be tested against your best collectors before rolling it to the masses.

Beth Conklin

In my experience, one of the biggest benefits of call scripting is providing a baseline and consistent call flow companywide, which helps reduce the risk of poor call handling as well as complaints.

This is most important during the call opener to ensure collectors are compliant when they are authenticating the consumer and providing the required disclosures before making that request for payment.

“Ultimately, call scripting increases much-needed consistency, and consistency increases trust.”

Call Center Scripts: Limitations

For collection call scripts to succeed, you must also be aware of their limitations. Parsons-O’Brien, Shores and Krueger all agree it’s important to recognize the shortcomings your collection agency call scripts may have.

Below are the top three limitations to keep in mind when creating your call scripting.


It is difficult to have a script for every situation that your collector may encounter when speaking to a consumer.

However, a script can provide a basic blueprint or outline of what to say in different situations and provide the agent the BEST response to use.


Some items do need to be said verbatim like the mini-miranda, but collectors should have a little flexibility so they can create a natural conversation with the consumer.


An agent may have a tendency to blame the script instead of taking accountability for a failed call. Collection floor managers need to use failure as a learning tool for agents to cultivate a successful collector.

Asking the agent to contribute to scripting changes or updates is a good way to have them take ownership and helps to deal with stress in a call center.

Q: What are some call script limitations agents should be aware of?

Kelly Parsons-O’Brien

There is SOO much information that needs to be put in a script that the collectors are often lost.

I mean, the “Hello this is Kelly at PCS on a recorded line…” is an easy script.

The limitations are, what does a collector say when a consumer:

  • is out of work
  • lost their husband
  • doesn’t agree with a portion of the bill
  • is mad at the client
  • didn’t get an invoice from the client

Or, any of the 100 other reasons a consumer isn’t ready to pay their bill.

Mary Shores

It’s always best to have a blueprint of a script. That doesn’t mean agencies need a word-for-word script for every unique situation; rather, it means collectors need at least a general outline of what to say to stay on track.

That said, one limitation that scripting presents is when a consumer requests something that does not have a dedicated script.

Usually, seasoned collectors will still know how to handle these calls; new collectors will likely struggle though.

Also, a perceived limitation can manifest when a collector is struggling to make the scripting sound natural rather than robotic on a call.

Kelli Krueger

Scripts limit a collector’s ability to be creative on their talk-offs. But, let us face it, creativity gets us sued.

You know the adage “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” This applies to scripts as well. If you sound scripted, it is defeating its purpose.

Collectors who embrace the script and put their voice and personality behind it will find great success.

On the flip side of this debate, it was the ability to learn through failure that made great collectors great and the script takes that opportunity away.

With a script, collectors tend to put failure accountability on the script vs. owning it. Although one could argue that this is a management issue more than a script issue.

Beth Conklin

Collectors need to be reminded it is just that, a “script.” Talk-off scripts are meant to be a guide – a stepping stone to help collectors as they move through the call.

Call scripting is a great baseline tool, however each call will be unique. Collectors need to understand they will be deterring off the script based on that unique situation, so role-playing different scenarios that go off script is crucial.


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Call Center Script Best Practices: Keeping Agents in Control

The words used in scripts can help to maintain control during calls. Scripts help build agent confidence and give them a roadmap for what to do.

While they may not address every situation, you can include scripting that teaches call agents to ask open ended or probing questions that yield more information from consumers and keep the conversation moving forward.

Here are five ways call scripts can help your call center agents.


Call scripts give agents the words they need at the right time during the call.


Call scripts provide open-ended questions to use so they can move the conversation forward toward a resolution.


Call scripts give agents several control statements they can use to help redirect the conversation back to a resolution.

Examples of control statements:

  • Let me ask you this. (Then ask a clarifying question.)
  • Would it be reasonable to resolve the amount you agree with and then send the balance to our dispute department?
  • What I hear you saying is... and I want to help you.
  • What I am going to do…


Call scripts can provide the language an agent needs to keep contro and help build rapport. Examples of this are the validating statements.

Examples of validating statements:

  • That sounds really challenging.
  • I appreciate you sharing that with me.
  • I can understand the uncertainty you feel.
  • I know this is a challenging time.


Call scripts take the pressure off of agents to say the right thing naturally and provide the tools they need to be successful.

Q: How can call scripts help agents stay in control of a call?

Kelly Parsons-O’Brien

I also think that giving collectors three to four call control statements is a great way to help them with their call control.

One that I like is ‘Let me ask you this..’ then you would ask a clarifying question, or maybe something like ‘Would it be reasonable to resolve the amount you agree with, and then send the balance to our dispute department?'

Mary Shores

Call scripts are amazing when it comes to helping collectors stay in control of the call. When they know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it, they are going to yield a better outcome than if they’re speaking from the top of their heads.

In turn, scripting also increases confidence because collectors don’t feel pressured to say the right thing naturally.

After all, when collectors are unsure about what to say, they may stall, use filler words, or tell the consumer they don’t know what to do. These uncertain responses can cause conflict with consumers that agencies want to avoid.

Kelli Krueger

It is easy for a consumer to take a collector down a “Billy trail” (I use the scenario of the cartoon “Family Circus”).

The goal is to get account resolution. A script streamlines that process.

In one example of the cartoon, the goal is for Billy to get firewood, which he achieves only after getting distracted along the way. If he had stayed focused, he would have gathered a lot more firewood but he was distracted and got just a little.

Beth Conklin

Each call is unique and each personality is also just as unique. Not every call is going to go according to plan, nor will every consumer we talk to be easy to deal with.

Call scripting helps the collector to remain in control during those times when the call is starting to take the wrong turn: the consumer is frustrated or upset, the call escalates or there are stalls or objections as to why the account is delinquent.

These scenarios can take the collector off-guard and start to lose control of the call. With baseline call scripting, it can help the collector remain on track as well as boost their confidence level as they learn how to talk through these challenging calls.

“One of the biggest benefits of call scripting is providing a baseline and consistent call flow companywide, which helps reduce the risk of poor call handling as well as complaints.”
Beth Conklin

Call Center Script: Examples of What to Include

For your collection call scripts to be effective, they should contain a few key elements.

First, include the flexibility needed so agents can adapt to unique situations without sounding stiff. They must also contain the basic elements of an impactful collection conversation to guide both your agent and consumer successfully through the process.

Here are eight key elements every call script should have:


Agents need to have the ability to speak to different situations and speak in their own voice so they don’t come across like a robot.


Agents should be given some agency to review, give feedback, and contribute to the script writing process.


Call scripts should relate to the consumer’s current situation.


The script should focus on the customer needs and what outcome the customer is looking to achieve in resolving their debt.


Call scripts must reflect the policies and procedures your agency has in place in your compliance management program and any specific policies your clients may have.


Each script should strive to use positive language and show empathy for the consumer’s situation. This builds trust and connection and ultimately will create an opportunity for the debt to be resolved.


Call scripts should guide agents in verifying right party contact and ensure that they give consumers the required disclosures.


Call scripts should equip collection agents with how to handle a variety of call experiences: disputes, objections, stalls, settlement offers, setting up payment plans, promise to pay, and no resolution.

Q: What are the main elements a call script should contain?

Kelly Parsons-O’Brien

You need to give the collector flexibility to be themselves. I find that if you are requiring your agents to read scripts verbatim, they will sound like robots.

Sure we need some things to be verbatim like the mini Miranda, but something like asking for employment, does it always have to sound the same way?

I find that there are definitely better ways to ask things, and they need to be sure they know and use those.

For example, we don’t ask “do you work?” we ask “where do you work?” Sometimes, though, it is more organic for a collector to say something like, “sounds like you are busy at work, what do you do?”

They may answer construction, and the collector might say “oh my boyfriend does too, where do you work?” or “That sounds like fun, what company do you work for?”

I also think the other main element is to allow the collector to help you write their scripts, let the collectors review and give feedback regularly on the scripts.

For example you don’t want to be training a new hire on a script that the senior staff never uses because it doesn’t work well. Be open to feedback from your team and work together to make the scripts work well for all your team members.

Mary Shores

Call scripting should contain 4 main elements. It should:

  • relate to the consumer’s current situation.
  • consider what outcome the consumer is looking for.
  • consider the company and client’s policies.
  • frame the solution with positive language and empathy.

Kelli Krueger

  • Intro
  • Payment Flow
  • Closing a yes
  • Closing a NO

Beth Conklin

The main elements of a call script should contain the authentication process, required disclosures, the call opener which should contain the request for payment and, my favorite, F&C (full and complete information).

In addition, the call script should contain how to close the call – not only if the call ends without resolution, but also how to handle the call when a payment or promise to pay is made.

“Training is so important, regardless of scripts. The agents need to learn their scripts so they come naturally.”
Kelly Parsons-O'Brien

The Importance of Call Center Agent Training

Call center training is often the missing piece of the puzzle when recovery rates are low.

Call scripts are the best way to give new agents the tools and confidence they need to perform. They’re also valuable for keeping new agents from violating call center compliance rules or learning other bad habits.

Q: Can you speak to the importance of training when using scripts?

Kelly Parsons-O’Brien

Training is so important, regardless of scripts. The agents need to learn their scripts so they come naturally.

I don’t want to know what management wants them to say, I want to know the agent is actively LISTENING to me and here to help. That cannot be conveyed when reading a script. The agent needs to know the scripts and just reference them for reminders.

Mary Shores

Scripting is vitally important during training because collectors are still becoming proficient at their job. The more they recite scripts, the more they can actually memorize them, which will make it easier to use the scripts later on.

Additionally, scripting provides new collectors with a formula for success.

Without a script, new collectors often end calls without even asking for payment, or they may let their personal feelings about debt affect the outcome of the call.

Both scenarios can lead to excessive passivity or aggression. Thus, using scripts during training will yield more proficient collectors.

Kelli Krueger

Being in collections is freaking hard enough! There are more things you cannot do and say than what you can do and say. It is overwhelming and frankly for some (like me) too much to keep it all together.

A script streamlines the process for new hires, but it is good for everyone. Having a script allows you to focus training time on what the collectors have control over.

Beth Conklin

Training call scripting is extremely important (most importantly for new hire training, of course). Whether you are training new hires with little to no experience, or new hires with collection experience, scripting will help enforce the call handling that works in your office.

Role playing and call calibrations are great tools to use when training call scripting and opening up the dialogue when training the scripts and call flow.

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Hannah Huerta - PDCflow Marketing Specialist
Hannah Huerta, Marketing Specialist

Hannah Huerta is a Marketing Specialist at PDCflow. She creates content for the accounts receivable and payment industry.

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